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Software AthleteSoftware Athlete
Vision Library+ v1.44

Vision Library+ v1.44

New Symbols

Alarm Sound+

  • Alarm Sound lets you play different sounds when a certain value threshold is reached
  • Select from a list of default sounds, or upload your own
  • Acknowledge or mute sounds on click

Read more about the Alarm Sound+ symbol in our official product page here.

New User Manual

  • This update includes our newly released user manual. It provides an in-depth guide to all the symbols, their configuration and features.
  • Go to your download library to get the User Guide


New Features

All Tables

  • All tables now have a configuration option to "Wrap Text"
  • Instead of hiding long texts, they will automatically break to a new line

Events Table+

  • Editable reason column
  • Long Comment texts now automatically wrap

Combo Chart+

  • Multi-State limits are now dynamic if the underlying data source is a PI Point


  • Additional option to show websites in a draggable and resizable window

Bug Fixes

Events Table+ / Gantt Chart+

  • Fixed an issue where referenced element's attributes were not loaded properly

Combo Chart+

  • Fixed an issue with duration and offset time range not loading the correct time stamps

Vision Report+

  • As a side note, our PI Vision reporting Tool "Vision Report+" is now finally available. Read more about it here or get in contact with us for a demo.
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