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Advanced Event Frame Management in PI Vision

Advanced Event Frame Management in PI Vision

Effective management of event frames is crucial for production companies aiming to optimize their processes and ensure data accuracy. The Events Table+ custom symbol, part of the Vision Library+ collection in PI Vision, provides an intuitive and powerful way to add, update, or edit event frames directly within PI Vision. This capability is especially useful for tracking production batches and managing downtime events, allowing operators to input and modify event-related data.

PI Vision Custom Symbol Events Table

Example Use Cases

Batch Monitoring

  • Accurate Tracking: Ensures all relevant information for production batches is captured.
  • Manual Data Entry: Operators can input additional data not automatically recorded.
  • Quality Control: Facilitates better monitoring and control of production quality.

Downtime Tracking

  • Detailed Logging: Records specific information like reason, duration, and impact of downtime events.
  • Root Cause Analysis: Provides valuable data for identifying and addressing causes of downtime.
  • Preventive Measures: Helps in implementing strategies to minimize future downtime.

Setting Up Events Table+ in PI Vision

To leverage the full potential of the Events Table+ symbol, follow these steps:

Configuring Static Attributes for Event Frames

  1. Open PI System Explorer: Start by opening PI System Explorer and navigating to the appropriate database where your event frames are configured.
  2. Create or Edit Event Frame Templates: If you don’t already have event frame templates, create them. Templates define the structure of your event frames, including the static attributes.
  3. Define Static Attributes: In the event frame template, add static attributes relevant to your production process or downtime tracking. Examples of static attributes include:
  • Batch ID
  • Operator Notes
  • Downtime Reason
  • Impact Assessment

PI Vision System Explorer Event Frame Template Attributes

Using Events Table+ to Update Event Frames

1. Add the Events Table+ Symbol:
Open PI Vision and navigate to the display where you want to manage your event frames. From the Vision Library+, drag and drop the Events Table+ symbol onto your display
PI Vision Custom Symbol Events Table
2. Configure the Events Table+:
Configure the symbol by configuring the event search criteria. This will populate the table with relevant event frames.
3. Displaying Event Frames:
The table will display basic data of the event frames such as start time, end time, and the configured static attributes.
4. Adding Event Frames:
To add a new event frame, use the input fields provided in the Events Table+ symbol. Fill in the required information and save the event frame. This new event frame will be immediately available in the table. 
PI Vision Custom Symbol Events Table Add Event Frame


5. Updating and Editing Event Frames:
To update or edit an existing event frame, the table has to be set to "Edit" Mode first. Then select the event frame from the table. You can then modify the basic data (such as start and end times) or update the static attributes. Once the changes are made, save the updates to ensure the event frame is correctly recorded. Depending on the underlying data type, the table shows different input controls:
PI Vision Custom Symbol Events Table Edit Data
6. Adding Comments: 
Later on, operators can enrich their event frames data by adding comments directly into the table:

    Creating Event Frame Reports

    Now that the data is finally in the PI System, what can we do with it? The next step would be to create dashboards and reports to gather more insight from our data. We can either download the data into Excel via the Custom Symbol, or use Vision Report+. With Vision Report+, we can automatically create an events report after an event frame was created, or after a specific time. The benefits of this extension are:
    • Auto-create Event Frame Report
    • Turn into PDF
    • Send via Email
    PI Vision Convert Display To PDF Report

    Visualize Event frames

    Using the custom symbol Gantt Chart+, we can then visualize our created event frames in a single chart:

    AVEVA PI Vision custom symbol Event Frame Gantt Chart
    We can also overlay our event frames on our process data, using the Combo Chart+ control. Learn more about that feature and how users can create event frames directly on the chart, by selecting a certain time range here.
    PI Vision Annotate Process Data


    The Events Table+ symbol in PI Vision’s Vision Library+ provides production companies with a robust tool for managing event frames. By allowing operators to add, update, or edit event frames directly within PI Vision, companies can ensure that all relevant data is accurately captured and maintained. This capability is invaluable for tracking production batches and managing downtime events, ultimately leading to more efficient and effective production processes.

    By setting up static attributes in PI System Explorer and using the Events Table+ symbol in PI Vision, production companies can enhance their data management practices and improve overall operational efficiency. Start using Events Table+ today to optimize your event frame management and drive better production outcomes.

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